Thursday, February 17

My Addictions!

OK, I have some major addictions! None that people need to worry about, just funny ones. For Example :

1. Face book!! I get on like at least 3 times a day !
2. Texting, I must have my phone at all times ! I text sooo much !
3. Saying either, haha, bahahah, lol, or something of that sort in EVERY* message I send !
4. Popping my gum, whenever I have gum I pop it non-stop
5. Wanting to be early, whenever I have to go to like ANYTHING* I leave around 30-15 minutes early!! (including sleepovers, meetings, church, ectr.)
These are just a few! 

**And a special thanks to my friend who realized #3, and my dad who realized #4  and my mom who #5 . Thank you for giving me something to blog about (: