Monday, September 19

Rediscovering Him !

In the past couple of months A LOT has happened. I've lost my closets friend, I've been missing church, not praying like i should, getting back to my old habbits, and i have done stuff im not proud of.. and a lot of tears have been shead. But i am going to try my hardest to put a stop to it all. Rediscovering You by Starfield, Father Will You Come by Unhindered, and O Praise Him by David Crowder Band have really gotten to me ! And i feel like i need to become something of myself through Christ and start living in HIS purpose for ME. Even with all this that happened the pain i've felt, whether you saw it or not, i still know* it happened for a reason , and that ive already grown stonger because of it . I made a to do list to keep me in check !

My To-Do List of the new me :

1. Get My LAZY BEHIND Up and Go To Church :D           I know I make a lot of excuses to miss church in the morning, but starting now im going to bed early, setting a alarm, staying home saturday nights whatever it takes to get up and go !! This is most important thing for me to do and it WILL happen (:
2. Read Bible with Youth Group
           I know im farrrrr behind, but after today im picking right back up with everybody and am sticking with it !
3. Pray every single day !

           I am going to pray throughout the day but at the end of everyday im going to write in my prayer journal (:
4. Start/ Find a Devotional (:5. Just because someone else does it doesnt me I will !          If someone swears, smokes, drinks, or anything. Im gonna say No, convince them not to, if that doesnt work leave, then pray about it !

6. Spreading Gods Love and Word (:7. Volunteer to help work at places ! * I know for sure there is way more but this is all i could think of so far ! Please pray for this to help me !

To help myself im putting up my favorite bible verses the places i mainly look at and is around so hopefully that will help (: Wish me luck !!! :D