Thursday, January 27

Revival Week!

Whew! Revival week was both amazing and tiring!(: I loved it! We had a gueas, Brother Don from Mississippi, come and preach and he was hilarious! I took notes about a lot that I know will help me in the future! And this week, I've learned a lot and what I should and shouldn't be doing as a Christian!
  And a great thanks to Megan Volnoff! She really has helped me this week! I have a cried a lot this week, and prayed to God. Praying to God really helped get things off my chess and cleared my mind. I thank God everyday that he placed Megan in my life and MBC to help me solve my problems! Now, I pray to God a ton more, I'm such a better Christian, and I know whats good for me and what will help me progess even more! 
  Revival has most deffinatly made achange in my life, and boosted my love for Jesus even more. I just can't wait to start spreading my love for God to everyone else and start working for the Lord. 
  *Something I learned that has worked a ton!! When you have a bad thought or about to do something bad, your giving access to the enemy. So don't be embarressed, but say "Access Denied" And think of something else, and POOF!(: its gone! It works for me every time, and theres a lot more, just ask me if you need anything(: I'll be happy to help and spread the word of God!

Wednesday, January 19

God your Amazing(:

Okkk, so Revival is coming up and I'm so pumped!! Today I got a taste of what it will be like! And man, I'm like ..hooked..? No, hungry for God!! I guess is good? During Youth I prayed along with Megan(: And it felt GREAT! I loved it, at first I was a little nervous, but then I just did it and ..WAALAA! Now, I just wana pray, pray, pray, and get it all out! and spread or "SPLASH" the word of God and how awesome, holy, mighty, and great he is!! I wana lift people up to him, show them him so they can feel the way I do! God, your just absolutly, incredibly Amazing! I just want everyone to know that you are. And trust me I will spread my feeling allll around school and everywhere I go, yall should too! And a special thanks to Megan Volnoff, and MBC(: For helping show me the awesomeness of God!
 Prayer* Man now, especially after the mission trip and this Wednesday, and the up coming revival, I find myself praying a lot!! Even at school, in 3rd period me and my group...were supposed to be doing work (which we finished)... but in the middle we just got talkin bout God, and we had a mini group prayer!!(: We all prayed some for the people confused about there path to God and for the people that are now on it and need to stay!!(: It was great!! And I have some friends at school that are hungry for God like me, and we are working together to spread it!!(: I'm so proud and happy too! Yall should for real try it!!

Tuesday, January 11

Fighting Friends

*Ever got in a fight with a friend and don't know what to do?! Well I'm here to help! 1. You have to realize what great friends yall are and all the good times, and would you want to loose them? 2. Then you got to be the mature person and go to them and even say sorry first, and ask if yall can talk about it. ( It doesn't matter whos right or wrong just focus on the friendship) 3. Don't try to put eachother down, try to make eachother feel better!! 4. Then hang out or do something fun!!
*Fighting with your friends is only natural, it's apart of life. Once and awhile your gana get mad, annoyed, or just sick of eachother. And when it does don't freak out!! Trust me, the fight won't last forever and yall will be friends again.
*Holding grudges is bad to, "Forgive and Forget" is always the best thing.
*Even if you don't wana be friends again, it's not good to be eneimies and hate eachother. You should solve the problem and be cool, but just not friends. Just because your not friends doesn't mean you have to not like eachother!
Once me and my bestfiends all got in fight and split, and my best friend, "sister", stayed together and began disliking the other two. We couldn't stand eachother at all!! We didn't talk to the others for months. But we both admitted we didn't like the feeling of hating someone for some dumb reason, and would rather be "cool" with them, but not be close friends to save the drama. What do you know? They felt the same, and now we're all friends! And let me tell ya, its 100 times a better feeling then before. *But are you afraid of drama?
Well, we made promises to never talk behind backs, always be truthful, and try not to hurt or leave anyone out! And me and my "sister" made promises too, and maybe we won't be as close with the others as we used to be, but it's wayyy better than hating eachother. and God has helped keep us together by doing the right thing!(: Hope this helps!

Monday, January 10

Meet Harley!

Hmmm, I'm thinking my new dog, Harley, shoule be named Katrina! Cause shes like a hurrincane... she's leaves a path of destruction everywhere!!
(*My brother, Terry, says hi.)
She also is very cute and playful,  and just lovesss leaving us "suprises" to find and clean up!! She likes chewing.. on everything and mistaking the house for the bathroom. She loves playing with my other dog, Rusty, which can get noisy.
 But Harley is quite the character, is a great addition the our family, and is blessing(:

Making The Right Choice!

Being a saved person and having a close relationship with God has honestly changed me for the better. I'm loving life more and more, and have more respect for myself and makes me feel good inside. Having a close relationship with God is important in life. You'll start feeling the changes in your life too! Don't feel discouraged!! Always know there's always God you can talk to and people at church. There opened to whatever you have to say, and they won't judge you!! So, make the decision of going to church and grow close to God, and even get saved!!(: You have tons of us Christians standing behind you 100% and you don't have to go to just get saved! If you have gotten saved and feel like you haven't been the person you feel like God wants you to be or anything? Like you feel as if you have been sining and you want to change, church and God is the best answer! And remember it takes 21 days to make a habit so do quit!!(: 
Good Luck!(: